An unfavorable ALJ decision does not necessarily mean your client does not deserve disability benefits.
Whether your client wins or loses a disability claim can be arbitrary. ALJs only have a few hours to review a claimant’s record, hold a hearing, and prepare a decision. A natural consequence of the time pressures ALJs face is that they often make mistakes at the expense of your clients. Don’t let your clients be victims of erroneous ALJ decisions. Submit unfavorable decisions to the Heber Law Firm for federal court review and leave nothing on the table for your clients.
SSA federal court litigation is a unique area—a complex intersection of SSA administrative law, medical and vocational evidence, jurisdiction-specific case law, and federal procedure. Skilled advocacy by counsel experienced in SSA federal court litigation is critical for not only identifying errors in ALJ decisions under the relevant evidence and case law, but also adeptly negotiating with opposing counsel within the context of a disability case. An attorney experienced in SSA federal court litigation can help your client put their strongest arguments forward to obtain a court order that SSA reevaluate their case—or, in some cases, even ordering SSA to pay benefits.
Nathan has extensive experience with federal court Social Security disability appeals, having worked inside the disability appeal system for over a decade. For eight years, he worked as Assistant Regional Counsel for SSA’s Office of General Counsel where he handled hundreds of disability cases appealed to federal district courts in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.
He also served as a Special Assistant United States Attorney in federal jurisdictions including all of Georgia’s federal district courts, as well as the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. In addition, he trained ALJs and attorney advisors on how to write legally defensible decisions and met quarterly with high-ranking officials in the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) to advise them on common problems with ALJ decisions, new SSA regulations, and developments in caselaw.
Nathan received over 20 awards during his employment with SSA, including a Regional Commissioner’s Citation and an OGC Excellence in Service award. Now, Nathan welcomes the opportunity to apply his unique experience to assist your firm in appealing your client’s unfavorable ALJ decisions to federal district courts. Your client remains yours in all administrative-level proceedings, and you are entitled to your full administrative fees as set forth in your contract with your client. A successful appeal by Nathan will likely result in an award of benefits on remand at the administrative level—a win for your firm and your client.
Increase your revenue

Cases remanded by a federal court often result in an award of benefits after subsequent review by an ALJ. Therefore, you earn fees in more cases by obtaining federal court remands, and the fees will likely be higher due to an increase in past-due benefits during the federal court proceedings.
No fees paid out-of-pocket

The Heber Law Firm will take your client’s case on a contingency basis, which means your client pays no fees unless they win. Further, your client will never pay fees out-of-pocket.
Keep your client

Upon remand, Nathan will promptly return the case for you to handle the new administrative proceedings.
Focus on your speciality

Federal court appeals are time-consuming and often require 40-plus hours of attorney time. They also require familiarity with federal court practice and staying up to date on caselaw. By referring cases to the Heber Law Firm, you benefit from increased revenue from court remands without interrupting your practice.
Maximize your client's chances for success

By appealing unfavorable decisions in federal court, you ensure your clients leave nothing on the table. A federal court appeal is the only way to preserve past-due benefits once a claimant exhausts the administrative process. Moreover, the appeal may preserve your client’s entitlement to disability insurance benefits if their date last insured expired.
Simply email a copy of the ALJ's decision to nathan@heberfirm.com and Nathan will review your client’s case for a possible federal court appeal. Nathan will contact you if he needs additional information.
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